Building a color palette with CSS
- The 60-30-10 design rule:
- primary: 60%
- secondary: 30%
- accent: 10% (CTA, buttons, hyperlinks)
- Concepts of color harmony and contrast:
- complementary colors: +180
- analogous colors: -30 & +30
- Hue values:
- hue: $hue
- hueComplement: $hue +180
- rightAnalogousColor: $hue -30
- leftAnalogousColor: $hue +30
- Color palette:
- primary100: hsl($hue 25% 95%)
- primary500: hsl($hue 20% 85%)
- primary600: hsl($hue 20% 75%)
- secondary100: hsl($hueComplement 5% 20%)
- secondary700: hsl($hueComplement 5% 30%)
- secondary800: hsl($hueComplement 5% 25%)
- secondary900: hsl($hueComplement 5% 95%)
- accentR100: hsl($hueRightAnalogous 40% 95%)
- accentR600: hsl($hueRightAnalogous 40% 40%)
- accentL100: hsl($hueLeftAnalogous 40% 90%)
- accentL600: hsl($hueLeftAnalogous 40% 40%)