
GitHub Pages

Websites for you and your projects.

GitHub is one of the most popular tools that companies and individuals use to host and version control source code repositories. The platform runs by using Git software, which helps track code changes and streamline development collaboration. GitHub has been constantly improving the software developer experience and keeps launching new features to enhance automation and encourage even more collaboration between dev teams — with one of those features being GitHub Pages.

GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that takes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files straight from a repository on GitHub, optionally runs the files through a build process, and publishes a website.

GitHub Pages is a feature of GitHub that lets you host static websites from GitHub repositories and make them publicly available or even privately accessible within your team and organization. From your personal website and portfolio to your project’s documentation, GitHub Pages can help you launch websites in a matter of minutes. You will even get a URL in the form https://repository-name.github.io that you can share with the world to make your website(s) accessible to others.